No Struggle, No Progress


1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." Oh, Beloved Fight the Good Fight of Faith! It is the only Fight worth fighting! It is the only Fight worth being in! When faced with adversaries, difficulties, challenges and defeats you must continue to FIGHT WITH YOUR FAITH! When disputes, arguments, disagreements and disappointments occur confront them by FIGHTING WITH YOUR FAITH! When faced with illness, sickness and disease FIGHT THEM WITH YOUR FAITH! In a Faith Fight you never get tired, you never give up, you never throw in the towel or cash in the chips!!! You simply persevere to the end where you always win! HALLELUJAH!!! So, when the going gets tough today and everyday Fight the Good Fight of Faith! Be a Winner. Be an Overcomer! Be more than a Conqueror and remember to always...FIGHT WITH YOUR FAITH!


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