No Struggle, No Progress

The Mayor's Corner

City of Monroe has Important Property Tax Renewals

on November 18th Ballot

Early voting Nov. 3rd – 11th

It is election time once again, and Monroe residents will be making some very important decisions that will help shape the future of our city. We need every eligible voter to show their support for the six items that the City of Monroe has on the November ballot. These six propositions are for the 10-year continuation of property taxes that Monroe residents have been paying for many years.

Proposition #1 is for the Civic Center, and funds are used for the operation, maintenance, repairs and improvements at the civic center complex.

Proposition #2 is for the Zoo, and it pays for a portion of the operating and maintenance of that facility. This includes repairs, improvements and additions.

Proposition #3 is for Capital Improvements which are made citywide. This includes repairs, maintenance, and enhancements to existing and future infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, etc.) and city facilities.

Proposition #4 is for our Police, and Proposition #5 is for Fire. These funds are very important for our city’s public safety efforts because we use them to purchase equipment and vehicles.

Proposition #6 is for the Airport, and these funds are used for capital improvements at the airport, matching funds for state and federal grants, and to help pay off the cost of constructing our new airport terminal.

Collectively, these six property taxes bring in just over $5 million dollars per year. That is almost 10% of our city’s annual general fund operating budget. Failure to pass these millages will result in the loss of jobs and important services – if we must cut $5M from our annual budget. So, you can see why the renewal of these taxes are so important. Remember, these renewals are for the continuation of property taxes that you already pay.

Early voting is November 3rd thru 11th (except for November 10th). Election Day is Saturday, November 18th. We need your support! By working together, we are making a difference!


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