No Struggle, No Progress


Direct Deposit

Col 3:23 — Col 3:24 “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Col.3.23-24. NKJV) Rejoice Beloved for you receive the REWARD of your labor from the Lord. Approach every task, and assignment as a way to serve CHRIST JESUS! Amen! Let us please the Lord as we “work” on relationships with our spouses, children, family, jobs, and amongst one another.

Let us please the Lord as we “work” on becoming men and woman of God. Loving one another, and being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving one another as God has forgiven us thru Christ. By doing so your REWARD will be a DIRECT DEPOSIT from the throne room of Heaven. HALLELUJAH!!! Be the best employee, volunteer, employer, business owner, you can ever be! Be the best husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother you can ever be! Be the best, and do the best from the smallest to the biggest job. From the hardest to the easiest job. Why?

Because you serve the Lord Christ! Then anticipate receiving your DIRECT DEPOSIT of Healing, Deliverance, and being Set Free from ANYTHING THAT HAS YOU BOUND!!! Expect receiving your DIRECT DEPOSIT of Love, Joy, and Peace! Know that God will download to your account the solutions to your problems and the answers to your questions. Amen!!! So, get ready to receive your INHERITANCE!!! And after you have done things wholeheartedly as unto the Lord expect to get your... DIRECT DEPOSIT!!!


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