No Struggle, No Progress

Shootings In Community Continue

Probably one of the most difficult challenges in this community is to deter violence.

As parents, many are not aware of the extent their children are involved in violent acts. They certainly do not know where and how their children can get their hands on dangerous weapons.

Community leaders are quite vocal with different pleas to stop the senseless killings and violence. Is there documentation that any elected official has placed himself or herself in the mainstream of neighborhoods where such problems exist? This is not a complaint.

Certainly, this is an observation that problems need to be addressed with a strategy to seek out young people who are knowledgeable of the violent actions. Once young people who are willing to help are identified, some valuable lesson may be learned for all…including parents and community leaders.

Certainly, we do not need to continue losing lives. Some may say there is no help because there will always be shootings. That may be a fact, but something needs to be done to address the current underlying problem and reasons, here and now that young people believe that, they need to engage in violence to solve differences and disputes.

The violence is so very close to home when it occurs in reputed quiet neighborhoods, at corner stores and at the local community centers. There is just so much the presence of law enforcement officers can do.

Everyone needs to stop and pay attention, especially if you are parents, grandparents, teachers, church leaders and community center employees. Make an effort to get together with other parents and devise an attainable plan. Church leaders should do the same, as should community center employees. The community persons who are in touch with our youth should become involved in addressing the problem with peers. Once a group comes together to address the problem, hopefully, some effective solutions will result.

Most of all “It is praying time, Community for all!”


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