No Struggle, No Progress
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In the beginning God! (Gen. 1:1) The enemy (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy (St. John 10:10) but Jesus came that we may havelife and that in abundance. The earth is the Lord's and everything that's in it. God made man in his image and likeness. Man is God's highest creation. The devil wants to dismiss, discredit, demonize, and destroy all God has set in order on earth. Man dismisses God’s Word and his Commandments as unimportant, and not worthy of considering. He discredits God's Word as ineffective in today's scientific world. He demon...
By grace, we are saved through faith. It is the gift of God, not of our works (Ephesians 2:4-10). We become Jesus Christ's workmanship unto good works, which God has ordained that we should walk in them daily. James 2:26 states, " As the body without the Spirit is dead, likewise, faith without works is dead. God has called men and women to holiness, giving the believer (Christian) power, love, and a sound mind and wisdom from heaven (1 Timothy 1:7)....
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). I once was lost in sin (Galatians 5:19-21) (Psalms 51:5). To enter into Heaven the sin nature must be converted into righteousness by the blood of Jesus (Holy Ghost). Our faith in God and His grace gives us the opportunity to convert from our old nature into our born-again nature. We are no longer held accountable (condemned) once we accept Christ as our Lord and Master. We are declared righteous by the...
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverb 22:6). An old song goes "We need the Lord just to guide us every day, as we travel along this tedious way. We need him to teach us how to raise our children to respect him as God; respect us as parents. Raise them to honor God; praise, worship and love Him and their parents forever. Parents must be examples of how children should live in the Spirit and the natural life. In the spirit we must love God with All our heart, soul, strength, and might,...
Come To Jesus Right Now! We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in the body, according to what he/she has done, whether good or bad. Therefore we persuade men/women to repent from the works of the flesh (Gal.5:19-21). In the beginning God gave Adam one command, do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God does not tolerate sin. Sin separates us from God. Lying, stealing, killing, disobedience to parents, adultery, fornication, etc. must be relented of. Homosexuality...
Battle for the home (house) Officers in the Israelite army were commanded to allow a man to return home if he had built a new house and had not dedicated it. Lest he died in battle and someone else dedicated it (Deuteronomy 20:5). God is concerned about the house (home). The deterioration of the home in America and the world has touched every aspect of our life. The home is where lives are nourished, protected, and made safe. Having children out of wedlock by multiple women, not there to protect, provide for them, and train them according to...
And when your son (children) asks you in times to come saying, what mean these testimonies, status, and judgements; which the Lord our God has commanded you (Deuteronomy 6:1-13). Blessings and honor to our creator God, and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God made the sun, the moon, and set the stars in the sky. He gave them the space to testify of his goodness by day and by night. God created Man and Woman, blessed them, and instructed them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth in his image and likeness. Parents have been...
Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Day to day, countless numbers of men and women that say they love God, arise from their slumber, just to put off for another day, what can be done today. There is such a defeated, complacent mindset in the body of Christ. Opportunities, gifts, talents and even lives are going to waste each day. God is calli...
All labor is prosperity (Proverbs 1:31-33). Because of laziness many suffer. Because of idleness, everything around you may become wasted. Even the poor have much, but because of poor management they become penniless. During our time on earth, a feast is made for laughter, wine to make merry, but money answers all things. We must work if we are to afford the pleasures of life. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and he shall direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). God wants us to be good stewards over what he blessed us with to bless him, others,...
Protect your family name and inheritance. The immigrants like Naomi and her family were looking to preserve their lives as well as their inheritance (Ruth 1:1-2). After Naomi's husband and sons died, she felt she was left without hope. Ruth her daughter-in-law refused to leave her, saying," where you go I will go ". The blessings of God were with the Israelites. Ruth recognized this in Naomi for her to leave her homeland and family. Let our prayers be that the immigrants from South and Central America find what they need to sustain them. Men,...
God is building a house that will stand (Matt.7:24 -27). The test of time will prove what foundation we build on. Whosoever hears Jesus’ sayings and does them is like a Wise Man which built his house upon a rock (God 's Word). The rains descended, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat up on that house, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. He that hears The Words of God and does not do them is like to a man that built his house upon the sand. The rains descended, the floods came, the winds blew and beat up on that house; a...
But let every man examine himself (1 Corinthians 11:28). Are you a Christian? _ Take a self-examination _ Do you speak great swelling words to entertain others? Do you prophesy, have All knowledge, and have faith in moving mountains? Do you have the God kind of Love? Unconditional! Do you suffer long with others? Are you kind as you go through with others? Are you envious of others? Do you exalt yourself above others? Is your behavior unlike Christ? Do you get upset easily? Do you think evil of others? Do you hate disobedience? _ This is not a...
The Lord Is My Shepherd, I shall not want ( Psalm 23:1 ) The shepherd protects the sheep from All evil. Sheep are the most defenseless of all animals. Sheep have no way to protect themselves. Jesus sent his Disciples out as sheep among wolves, he gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, to heal all manners of sickness, and diseases ( Luke 10:3 ). The enemy comes to take peace from the earth , when Jesus was born the Angels declared " Peace On Earth " Good Will To Man. The enemy had come to take Man's peace through sickness,...
Anybody observing what’s happening in Monroe, LA, whether resident or non-resident, can easily see a growing number of concerns that need addressing immediately. One of the concerns I will address is the growing number of violent crimes and deaths within the minority districts. It’s disheartening and alarming, and enough is enough! Parents, it’s time to get in the game. In all humility, fall to your knees. Seek God and obey Him. He will tell you what to do as a parent and how to do it. You a...
God made man in his image and after his likeness, and gave him dominion over the things he created on earth. He blessed the man and woman and told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish (have children) on the earth (Gen.1:26) God gave all he created the green herbs, fruit trees for meat (food) and God saw all he created was very good. Let all men worship and glorify our creator God, let's be thankful to him, and bless his name, for he is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. (Gen.2:15) (Matt.28:18). We are to be good STEWARDS over...
We are witnessing powerful earthquakes, (Matt. 24:7) destructive tornadoes, catastrophic flooding, out of control fires, temperatures of 50 and 60 degrees below zero, it looks like the earth is spewing out mankind. Yet men will not repent. They continue to make war against one another, fighting, killing, and utterly destroying the land God commanded him to protect and to keep (Gen.2:15). God will bring vengeance on man for his destruction of the earth, as reward for his evil and wickedness (Rev. 6:1-8). We’ll let those redeemed of the Lord, s...
Lord who shall abide in your tabernacle? Who shall dwell in your holy hill? He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart (Psalm 15:1-2). God wants true worship from the heart, in Spirit and in Truth. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart: who has not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessings of the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation (Psalm 24:3-5). With love and...
Let's talk about the natural man's life here on earth. One of his duties is to marry, have children, provide food, clothes and shelter, protect, educate, and teach them God's ways, and His commandments. In doing so, this leads them onto the path to "Eternal Life" and away from a life of pain and suffering. Psalm 37:37 speaks of following Jesus because His end is peace. The flood of Noah's day, Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt (Gen.6 :19; Exodus 5:1-3) all happened because the voice of God was not obeyed. Obey the voice of God and save...
As Christians we shouldn't be afraid of Satan, his disciples, nor his devices. God is our creator, and redeemer, he has called us to be bold in holiness and righteousness (1Timothy 1:7 ) . He created us to be in a pleasant existence for our benefit (Gen.2:8-9 ) he watches over us with his Devine love (Gen . 2:15 ) . We are connected to God through his Spirit ( Gen.2:7). Let's worship God honestly out of a pure heart. Let's study him through the scriptures, pray, fast, help those in need, those who are sick . Let's seek the Lord for guidance,...
In these last days men are saying that we don't have to obey the law or the Prophets because we are under grace. We are still required to obey and keep the ten commandments that were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 20:1 17). In Christ Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection, we received power over the flesh to keep the commandments (Acts 1:8). The commandments left from tables of stones and took root in the hearts of those believers in Christ (Mark 12:29). In Matthew (5:17-19) Jesus stated that he did not come to destroy the law or the P...
Behold! I set before this day a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you obey the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day and a curse if you will not obey the Commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after gods which you have not known (Deuteronomy 11:26-28). Jesus Christ is our source of blessings in the earth. Today each person should obey Jesus and fully submit themselves to God's Son, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Jesus has instructed us to withdraw from...
Joshua 23:14-16 Many good works are being done in our country. Most of us have an abundance of food, clothing, and shelter. Through Social Security, Medicare, and private insurance, many qualify for assistance in time of need. Many that are employed are paid copious wages. We should praise The Great God of heaven, and his Son Jesus for all these blessings. Now if we continue to make laws that's God's order, and follow after greed, and selfish ambitions , idols , fleshly desires ( homosexuality , adultery ) murdering , stealing, coveting,...
To the people of God, let no man deceive you; he that commits sin is of the devil. Whosoever abides in God does not commit sin. Whoever sins has never seen Him nor knows Him. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, because God's holy spirit lives in him; therefore, he cannot commit sin, because he is born of God. In this, the children of God are known, and you will know the children of the devil. If you keep God's commandments, then whatever you ask, or request of God, you will receive. Well Bless God! Superintendent, Henry...
God judges the righteous, and is angry with the wicked every day (Psalms 7:11). God is displeased with what is going on in the world. In many cases Sodom and Gomorrah is repeating themselves. Today men and women are giving themselves over to fornication, (Jude) strange flesh, (prostitution, homosexuality) idolatry, speaking evil of things they know nothing about, corrupting themselves with every evil work. Satan has taken over their bodies causing them to commit these uncontrollable acts against themselves and our creator God. We must pray...
For as long as I can remember, my vote was shaped around what the elders in my family said, especially my dad. It was that way, because I valued the thoughts and opinions of my elders. There was something special about those who had gone before me. I admired and respected them; therefore, their words were very weighty in my life. As I grew, I started observing the many persuasive ways that candidates would try to obtain votes. Most of the time, it bothered me, because it was deception. I...
Anytime in the Bible, where blood and violence were upon the land, so were curses. That land was defiled. It was deemed worthy of God’s wrath, especially when the people did not repent. Plagues, disorder, disunity, severe lack and punishment were in places such as this. The blessings of God were withheld. Monroe is as one of these places. Violence and misery are all throughout the city. Bullying (especially adults), fleecing of flocks, idolatry, violence and so much more, are in the land, and h...
Destroy what has been built. In Ukraine beautiful buildings are destroyed; cities left in ruins. It would please God if the money was used to wipe out poverty. Instead, men have chosen Satan's way to kill, steal, and destroy. Men have chosen to follow the flesh and fighting, and covetousness, lying, disobedience to authority, idol worshipping etc. Because they are ignorant of God's ways, they follow the behaviors of the world. Because their souls are dead to God, they become the " walking dead “. Reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah, because God i...
Republicans all across America had to accept the consolation prize of being no. 2 following the presidential race of 2020. Despite all of the efforts elevating Donald Trump to “near king status, in the face of an impeachment and headline grabbing political news to bring down Joe Biden, Republicans lost control of Congress. Now with the 2022 midterm election just weeks away, Republicans are hoping that history stays the course of rewarding the minority party control of Congress in an off presidential election year(2022) as it has done so in the...
Why do men kill masses of people, then kill themselves? I'm relating back to what recently happened in Thailand, where 38 persons was murdered, 24 were children, the youngest was 2 years old. What brings a person so low as to commit such evil acts? Who so keeps the commandments feel no evil thing (Ecclesiastes 8:4-5) where the word of a king is, there is power: man (Adam) lost connection with God through disobedience, therefore the spiritual mind was contaminated. Man, who was once one with God, became God's enemy (Romans 5:10). The sweet...
Let every man, woman, and child, who is not keeping All of God's commandments, do as Jesus commands. Repent, Repent, that you may live forever with Jesus in his kingdom. Remember God while you are young before the evil days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1) Children obey your parents that you may live long on the earth (Eph.6:1-3), that things may be well with you. For God will bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good or evil. Let's hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: For this...
Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Matt 5:48) Upheaval is all over the world. Son against father, daughter against mother, and vice versa. If you listen to the news, you will think that there isn't peace anywhere. The divorce rate in the church is as high as in the world. Men have left their desire for women, likewise women their desire for the man, they openly express their lustful attractions for each other. Women co-habit with each other; likewise do men, and there is no shame, because men love themselves...
The Spiritual and the Natural Man. Concerning the Spiritual Man. All churches, the pastors, deacons, and Mothers of the church have a duty to teach its members in the ways of God and follow the instructions of Jesus. All churches have a duty and must be on one accord in addressing the physical needs of its members. As well as his righteous desires to own material things such as homes, automobiles, supermarkets, medical facilities, banks, clothing stores, colleges, etc. The next generation will see the churches’ good works and will p...
Where do the youth turn, when they go through difficulties? Who listens when they cry out? Who allows them to vent or converse without judging? Who is properly advising them? These questions need to be answered, and not just pondered upon, because the answers are pathways to change and viable solutions. The mental and emotional condition of our youth is the change I'm referring to. Right now, transformation is certainly essential. A great deal of the youth in our communities are faced with more...
Lately, I have been observing a new trend. It’s the use of the word “toxic” amongst the youth, like it’s a good thing. Too many are taking great pleasure in being toxic. In the world of social media, there are many pretenders and followers. It’s a place where anyone can sit behind a screen and present anything to others. One can really be anything; so, why toxic? The word toxic is defined as something being poisonous, dangerous, deadly or harmful. Why would anyone want this or want to be this?...
When you die and if your soul is lost, it's no one's fault but yours. You need to read the holy scriptures and show yourself worthy to God, and rightly divide the WORD of God, and walk in holiness the rest of your life. Come together with other Christians and do good works, that men may see and glorify your Father in heaven. God is good and his mercy endures forever. Hear ALL Churches, we must be on one accord, helping, protecting and supporting one another because faith without good works is dead. In God we live, move and have our being. Well...
"Give thanks unto the Lord " Let All give thanks to God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, it is good to give thanks unto the Lord! Call upon his name, tell of his wonderful deeds among people. Let’s sing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs in praise to his name. Let's talk of his wonderful works, how he made the sun, moon, stars, and All that is in earth and heaven. We must seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face continually. He is the Lord our God. His righteous judgements are in All the earth. We must be mindful of his covenant, and c...
And God said let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness: (Gen .1:26). And the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die: For God knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Gen .3:4-5). Beware of false prophets (serpents), they profess that they know God, and Jesus, but are deceitful (serpents). They profess to be wise but are foolish. They worship their own actions and beliefs, changing the image of God into their own corrupt understanding (we will...
Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Of all the articles I've written, I feel this one to be very personal for someone. I sense God wants to use me to tell you to keep going in Him. Don’t give up. Don’t give in! As long as you could remember, you've called upon and served the Lord. You haven’t been flawless, in this walk, but you have been faithful. You have sacrificed, prayed, cried and desired more of God. You've helped ot...
Let no man deceive you with good words and fair speech saying I am a sinner saved by grace. You cannot be a sinner and a Christian at the same time, God forbid. Whosoever is born again of Christ’s Spirit does not sin. He that sin is of the devil, for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose Jesus the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the work of the devil, that you may live in righteousness, and true holiness the rest of your life, doing those things that are pleasing in his sight. Then whatever you ask the Father i...
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. We know what Scripture says, regarding peacemakers. Knowing this, we should most definitely want to be peacemakers; for it’s an honor to even be called a child of God. What I want to get into, is the fact that making peace may look completely opposite of what we feel it is. I was inspired by God, in something I heard, to write this article. Peacemakers are active- not passive. Making peace is not about making e...
In the beginning of creation, on the sixth day God created man in his image and likeness. Because God is holy, so was man. Adam was the man's name. God's gave Adam one commandment. Adam sinned against God, therefore all of mankind became sinners through his seed. Jesus came to destroy the work of sin in the flesh, in those who accept him, and obey his commandments as was ordered from the beginning, once again taking on God's holiness and righteousness, becoming Christlike in obedience to God. Unlike Adam, Christian’s castaway acts that d...
No King, or Ruler! (Galatians 5:19 -21) speaks of the works of the flesh. Judges 2 tells how Israel served God as long as Joshua lived and after his death, they began serving other gods, because they didn't know the true and living God. Therefore, they did what was right in their own eyes. January 6, 2021 was a prime example of flesh out of control. Although they had a king, he encouraged them to do wicked and destructive acts; exactly as what flesh does (Galatians: 5:19-21). They that are led by God Holy Spirit are the Sons of God. They act...
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Scripture reading, choir singing, Bible teaching, collection plate passing, respect and order, were all the things I use to witness as a little girl going to fellowship. We couldn’t play and talk while God’s Word was going forward. We couldn’t do what we wanted to do in the House of God, and people think it was just fun. We couldn’t disrespect the House of God In any way. I loved it that way. No...
It seems as if many parents, much of the Church, the government and even schools have fallen under the spells of hell. Many are deceived- thinking they’re doing good jobs, better yet- God’s job; yet they’re fulfilling the evil wishes of that liar and deceiver- Satan. There is still hope though, for those of you who will hear the Lord. True leadership is of God, and true leaders- whether in or outside of the home follow God. They don’t follow what is popular, what is financially profita...
And A highway shall be there and away. (Isa .35:8) A Highway Requires A Change! Before interstate highways, most roads were two lanes, many lives were lost on those two-lane highways. The death toll decreased as interstate highways increased. A highway is a main road of travel. Isaiah 35:8, speaks of a highway of holiness. The unclean can't pass there. It's for those wayfaring men. Fools shall not err there, nor any ravenous beast shall be thereon, but the redeemed shall walk there. Death reigned from Adam to Moses on what could be a two-lane...
Evil -vs - Good- Woe, Woe, Woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, satan has come down with great wrath, his evil has created chaos on the earth. Men are killing without cause. People are driven from their homes and peaceful lives, becoming homeless, hopeless, and hungry. People are being killed in church buildings, women are raped, and children are slaughtered. As Russia invaded Ukraine, Syria, and the middle East, God has issued a warning. He has sent a strong delusion because men and women won't hear the true gospel, but rather believe lies....
Good or Evil We choose to be blessed or bring curses on our life by the choices we make. The consequences of choosing to live contrary to God‘ s word and following the disciples of satan is eternal damnation, and a life of misery while we live . Sin causes us to gamble away, and mismanage our blessings, mistreat our loved ones, steal, lie, cheat and refuse to follow the Holy Bible. The consequences of living godly, obediently, and following Jesus is joy, peace, doing good works, helping others, raising a stable family, standing for the t...
I am a concerned citizen of the Town of Richwood (TOR). During its February 16, 2022, regular Council Meeting, an ordinance was introduced as a proposed Districting Plan for the TOR with ordinance # 2022 - 01. The ordinance emphasizes the fact that the council members must provide leadership with a vision that will unify the town, and more effectively deliver services to the citizens who put them in office. Moreover, these council members recognize that sometimes innovation is threatening to people who want to hold on to the status quo,...
Speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things which is the head, even Christ (Eph. 4:15). The first and greatest responsibility of the church is to love God, teach others, and lead them to Jesus. So when they receive their blessings from their good works, they will know how to manage their blessings and give God the glory. Concerning children and young adults in the church, it is the churches and parents’ responsibility to train and make their children obey Gods Commandments. It's the Church, parents, and government’s res...
Hear, you children, the instructions of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake you not my law (Proverbs 4:1). Fathers train -up your children in the ways of God as he would have them. Teach them the Golden Rule that will guide them as they age. The ways of man are before the Lord, and he ponders all his goings (Proverbs 5:21-23). Teach children to be honest, truthful, and respectful of others. Teach young men that when they marry and have children, they are to train their children up in God's word...